15 January 2014 Last updated at 01:51 GMT
Celebrities William Roache, Dave Lee Travis and Rolf Harris appear on the front of many papers after appearing separately in court on unrelated sex charges. All three deny the claims. The Daily Express is among those to highlight the cases.
The Daily Mail devotes much of its front page to large images of the trio and sums up Tuesday's events at court with the line: "One extraordinary day, three TV stars in the dock, three shocking cases, three reputations at stake."
The Daily Mirror focuses on the trial of Mr Roache, who plays Ken Barlow in ITV soap Coronation Street. It reports that he's accused of forcing a girl to perform a sex act on him in a toilet.
The Daily Star's main headline also relates to details of the trial of Mr Roache, this time an alleged offence relating to a 15-year-old girl. The paper also finds room for a picture story about the latest from TV's Celebrity Big Brother.
It's the artist, singer and TV presenter Rolf Harris whose image is spread across the front of the Times. The paper points out that the alleged offences in the three celebrities' cases took place over 40 years and involved 20 complainants.
The Daily Telegraph carries strong words from George Osborne for the European Union. The chancellor warns that Europe must do more to support business and cut welfare spending if the UK is to remain a member, the paper says.
The Sun features a photograph it says shows One Direction singer Liam Payne standing on a ledge on the 34th floor of an apartment block and says the star has since apologised for the stunt.
An Independent investigation claims that between 1,400 and 4,700 female foetuses have been illegally aborted as a result of families within some UK-based ethnic minority communities wanting to ensure they only have boys.
The i carries the same story and - like its sister paper - features a large image of a foetus still in the stomach. It says that in some communities the natural 50:50 balance of girls to boys has been changed.
The Guardian claims that Home Office officials are being rewarded with shopping vouchers if they can help ensure failed asylum seekers lose their court appeals to stay in the country.
The Financial Times features French President Francois Hollande. But rather than focusing on claims of an affair that he refuses to talk about, it reports his pledge to boost France's economy with a £30bn cut in payroll taxes.
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